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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  April 19, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case, a huge break after a long night of explosions and deadly gunfire in a city just outside of boston. we have king coverage just ahead. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. is this ktvu mornings on 2. good morning to you. welcome to mornings on 2 i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is friday april 19th. tori campbell has the day off. >> we begin our team coverage with that breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case. one suspect is dead and a massive man hunt is underway
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right now for the second suspect. look at the pictures, all of this happening in the city of watertown just outside of boston. ktvu's claudine wong has been on this story reporting the late breaking developments since 4:30 this morning. you're back in our newsroom with more on the man hunt and those suspects. >> reporter: we're getting so much information into our newsroom from the scene and about those suspects as we continue to investigate the people behind or the people accused of this boston marathon. the focus is this man hunt. let's take you live to the scene so you can see the situation. you can see a lot of police officers still standing by. what you're looking at right now in watertown massachusetts is just one part of really what has become a massive, massive man hunt, unprecedented is the word everyone's using. when you talk about the number of officers. you're talking about thousands of officers that in the last several hours have converged on watertown massachusetts and all the surrounding areas stretching into boston.
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you're talking about a shutdown of public transportation, of schools, of businesses. no one is going in or out of this area except law enforcement. residents are sheltered in place. they are searching for this 19- year-old suspect that is still on the run. there is the latest picture we got of him this morning. that is 19-year-old dzhokhar tsamaev. he is considered armed and dangerous. he is one of two suspects believed to be behind the boston marathon bombings. these two suspects are brothers. let's take a look at the pictures that were released by authorities yesterday. the man on the left of your screen, you can see that we have put dead under his picture because this is the 26-year-old brother who was killed last night in a shootout with police. what we've learned about him this morning in the last hour or so that apparently when he was killed he had explosives on him and a trigger. that obviously raises the level of concern, because they believe if this 26-year-old brother is capable of that, obviously then this 19-year-old
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still on the run, very very dangerous at this time. considered in the neighborhood, possibly in that area. these two brothers have apparently been living in the u.s. for about ten years, living in the cambridge area. they are very familiar with that area. we just heard from a friend of 19-year-old dzhokhar tsamaev who says he is shocked by this. he says that he was not a loaner and here's what he had to say a short timing a. >> there's a lot of kids who he was friends with. he was really a sociable guy. he wasn't like a loaner or anything like that. he had a lot of people he was friends with. there are a lot of people like me who are really surprised. >> we're showing you video from last night when there was a lot of police activity as well. we want to take you through how this started. things started picking up at 5:15 and right after that after these pictures were released, a short time after these pictures were released there was a robbery of a convenience store.
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then an m. i. t. police officer shot and killed. a very young man killed. he was apparently shot multiple times in his car. then there was a carjacking. this man was carjacked by both suspects. they kept him for a half an hour before they released him at a gas station. then there was a pursuit, chase, gunfire. a transit officer was injured, at last word in critical condition during that incident. that is when the older brother was killed. and since then there has been this ongoing hunt for this 19- year-old suspect that really has just gotten broader and broader. they started in watertown. then they shut down the neighboring areas around that. then they extended it to boston metro. then they closed down mass transit, schools, businesses. basically asked everyone to just shelter in place. now we're back live here, live pictures for you. that's cambridge police officer pulling into that area. we've seen state police, so many different agencies, thousands and thousands of officers that are there on the
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scene in watertown in all those surrounding communities searching for this 19-year-old manmade to be on the run, armed and dangerous. what we can tell you from law enforcement is that they have been asking, pleading with media to give pictures like this to people at home so people can see the activity without giving away tactical information because obviously they do not want this man to know what they are doing. they're hoping to narrow in their focus on him. so on several fronts we're watching things. we are watching all of the information we are learning about these two brothers. their father responding from russia calling his 19-year-old son an angel. we're hearing from an uncle that lives in maryland close to the area. we heard from him earlier on the morning news. he said he was shocked, that the brothers called him yesterday. they did not mention the bombing, but they did ask to forgive them. we don't know if that's because he had been out of contact with them for a while or what it was. he said he didn't hear about
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their alleged involvement until this morning. we don't know what prompted that phone call. we know that we're hearing reports they have extended family in this area and that may be the reason for multiple searches. we do not know where this 19- year-old could possibly be headed. there are reports that he may be headed for connecticut or new york, but again when you have a situation like this this that is developing. you have such a broad area and so much information we're trying to whittle that down to only the best information to give to you guys at home, but we are obviously continuing to monitor everything, and we'll keep you updated. live from the newsroom claudine wong. >> thank you. now make sure you stay tuned to mornings on 2 here on ktvu for the continuing team coverage of these late breaking developments in the boston marathon bombing case. you can get updates at any time by going to just look for the boston bombings tab right there on the front page. we also have breaking news here in the bay area, a fatal crash involving a sheriff's deputy near hayward.
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the deputy reportedly hit two pedestrians outside mission boulevard and cherry way. one of those people died. ktvu's janine de la vega is there at the crash scene with an update. janine. >> reporter: it is a very somber mood out here among alameda county sheriff's deputies. as you mentioned we're here on mission boulevard. this is near st. james, and it is blocked off in both directions. that's because this is where the accident happened. you can see that's the deputies patrol car where we're being told that deputy in the car hit two pedestrians and that white car that you see behind it which has a lot of damage. there's also a body lying in the middle of the street here. now here's an aerial view from chopper 2 taken earlier this morning of the accident scene. authorities say at about 4:30 this morning, a deputy traveling northbound on mission boulevard hit those two pedestrians. they were crossing the street near the crosswalk. the patrol car swerved and hit that white parked car that you
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see. the male pedestrian died at the scene. the woman who was with him was also hit and sent to the hospital. we are being told that she is expected to survive. authorities tell us that she appeared to be intoxicated. it's unknown if the male who was with her was. sheriff's officials say it's also unknown if the deputy was speeding. here's what a spokesperson had to say. >> it was a terrible accident. the deputy involved is obviously devastated. it's just a tough and terrible thing to have happen. >> reporter: the sheriff's deputy involved in this accident is a man who is a nine- year veteran of the department. we're told he is being interviewed by the chp at the station. now the chp is handling this investigation because it occurred in an unincorporated area of hayward. now we're also being told that there was three pursuits involving perhaps a stolen car being done by three fferent
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law enforcement agencies, and so we asked was that deputy speeding. was he involved in any of those pursuits. they say that's what brought him to this area, but that it is completely unrelated. that's what we're being told. again, traffic here on mission boulevard is shut down in both directions so you can't come here between medford and grove, but for more on how this is impacting the commute, we go to sal. sal. >> janine thank you very much. we are looking at the alternates for you on this mission boulevard situation. our news chopper 2 is showing us the closure. mission boulevard is usually pretty crowded at this time of the morning, at least we now now that it's going to be closed for a good long time near cherry way in the cherry lane neighborhood of unincorporated haywood. the best way is to get to foothill boulevard which is parallel to mission and use that. instead local traffic if you have to go to your home or that area you can use some of the side roads. let's get to other traffic pictures here. the traffic at the toll plaza
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is a 10 to 15 minute delay, not especially bad. we've also been looking at traffic in the south bay, getting slower approaching highway 17 as you drive through. now at 7:09, let's go to steve. a very good morning, a little more haze in the air. that's because we have a westerly breeze and some patchy fog has developed. i was talking about this all week long, the water temps outside the golden gate, half- moon bay, 46 to 49 degrees, that is really cold. all it takes is a little system to move to the north. there it is. that's exactly what happened. it is definitely in place so we're getting a little more haze in the air. get a little more westerly breeze and patchy fog. 43 santa rosa, i did see 44 in mill valley, 40s or low 50s, i think from this point on we'll start to see temperatures warm up. downtown san fransisco did hit 70 though. today i'm easing up. 49 a little patchy fog, 63
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we'll go 66 today with more of a westerly breeze. right there that's pretty good for them. it will drag across a few high clouds for us, more importantly it's inning of changed the wind direction, east or northeast all week long. slight westerly breeze, fog today and tomorrow. by sunday warming up and then i think we'll carry that into next week. 60s, 70s, and 80s. cooler coast and bay, still warm inland. i don't think it will be as warm as yesterday. mostly sunny with higher clouds and we'll kind of keep it there today and tomorrow, then start a warmup. 60s closer to the coast, 7:er 60s low 70s around the bay. upper 70s and a few soft 80s inhand. about the same on saturday and everything turns around. high pressure kicks in. that means warm to warm and maybe really warm by tuesday. >> all right. thank you steve. we will enjoy the fact that we're going to have a sunny nice weekend. 7:11 is the time right now. we're going to continue to follow the very breaking news that is coming out of boston, a
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lot of information about the search, the very extensive search in the boston area this morning. plus we have new information about the fertilizer plant that blew up in texas, what investigators are now saying about their search and recovery operations.
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cooler today coast and bay, even though it will be mostly sunny. some patchy fog as we turn to a wee bit of the coast. sunny today but cool. >> all right thank you steve. if you are just joining us this morning, we have been following breaking news. overnight and early this morning in the boston marathon bombing case, live pictures there in watertown massachusetts, which is certainly the center of this huge search operation this morning. they've sealed off that neighborhood in watertown. this is just miles outside of
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boston. it's happening right now just hours after one suspect in the bombing case killed overnight and again a massive man hunt for the second suspect. law enforcement agencies confirmed the two are brothers. they're from the russian region near chechnya. we're going to have a live update from watertown massachusetts. that's coming up in about 15 minutes. now it is one of the most memorable images from the boston marathon bombing. one of the victims rushed out of the bomb site in a wheelchair and bloomberg news reports that that victim jeff balman lost his legs in the attack. however his memory played a key role. he woke up in the hospital, and immediately wrote down the words bag. saw the guy. looks right at me. he then gave the description of one of the suspects to the fbi. >> time now is 7:15. we're waiting to hear from the white house on the latest developments out of boston.
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ktvu's kyla campbell is in our washington d. c. newsroom. you just talked to the department of homeland security. >> janet napolitano was supposed to be speaking at a hearing right now but that has been postponed priorities are changing in washington. president obama was briefed overnight by his counter terrorism and homeland security advisories. earlier this week, he had said that the white house would not be disrupted to the ongoing investigation and that they wouldn't be speculating on anything. just hours before that deadly shooting that left one suspect dead, president obama was in boston speaking at an interfaith prayer service. then he and first lady michelle obama met with victims from monday's blast. i am still waiting to hear back from my contact at the white house this hour as to whether or not president obama could be speaking this morning. as of now the daily white house press conference with spokesman jay carney is still scheduled for 9 a.m. pacific. live in washington kyla campbell ktvu channel 2 news. happening now, runners are
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hitting the streets of san fransisco. it's in honor of the boston marathon bombing victims. ktvu's tara moriarty was right there for the start of the event and out there talking to the participants. >> reporter: the runners took off less than 10 minutes ago. there were about 2 to 300 of them dressed up in yellow and blue in honor of boston and they're running a 4.16-mile down the road here. we're standing on the sidewalk of the ferry building, and they're running down to gear deli square and they're going to be doing a loop and heading back. if you take a look behind me, actually, this is some video of the race. you can see that e running righ the bay's edge, and the group rallied via facebook and they also have a twitter hashtag, run for boston. they say they were eager to lace up their shoes and pound the pavement to show boston that they care. >> the running community is a very special group. you'll probably see lots of people giving each other hugs and high fiving each other, and
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people haven't seen each other in years but we are such a close knit group so, yeah. >> and you're all going to be thinking of one thing this morning. >> boston, we're running for boston. >> now this comes one week after, you know, explosions near the finish line of one of the world's most prestigious races killed three people and injured more than 150. runners all over the country have been offering tributes. we had a race in oakland just yesterday, a run. they've had moments of silence, tears and then of course the running. so again, here in san fransisco they're going to be running from the ferry building to aquatic park. then they're going to turn around and come back. it shouldn't impact traffic. they're going to be sticking to the sidewalk. that's the good news for people commuting this morning. we're live in san fransisco, i'm tara moriarty. ktvu channel 2 news. we have new information coming in now from texas about that deadly explosion at a fertilizer plant near waco. 12 bodies have been recovered from the wreckage. now last night mourners held this candlelight vigil for the
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victims. many of the prayers before the emergency responders who died when that burning factory blew up late wednesday night. and again about a half hour ago officials announced 12 bodies have been recovered from that explosion. the waco tribune reports investigators think 17 people were killed in the blast including about a dozen firefighters. the blast happened at my front door, the front panel of my house wound up in my living room, and the ceilings in all the rooms are down. >> authorities are still focusing on search and recovery. the local firefighter marshal says the investigation into the precise location and the cause of the fire, that really has not even started. also happening right now, the new immigration reform bill is getting its first test at a hearing of the senate judiciary committee. homeland security secretary janet napolitano is the first witness scheduled to testify at that hearing this morning.
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we're just looking in right now at what is going on. this is the so-called gang of 8 senators formally unveiling the plan yesterday. it includes a 13-year pass to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s. the senators speaking rite now, and some of the critics of the bill say it amounts to amnesty to people who entered the u.s. illegally. we are watching this happen right now and will bring you updates as soon as they become available. back here at home, 65 misplaced ballots from the november election have now been found in san mateo county. they were found friday inside a storage sought at the county election's office. the chief election officer said someone had accidentally placed them inside a closed box. he says there weren't enough ballots to swing the race but is investigating why and how this happened. time is now 7:20. family and friends of a man from mississippi accused of sending a letter with a deadly
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poison ricin to president obama, they say he struggles with mental illness. 45-year-old paul kevin curtis is charged with threatening the president, a united states senator and a judge. his wife says he is bipolar. he's written a lot online about exposing a conspiracy that he says he discovered to sell human body parts on the black market. his lawyer says curtis insists he is innocent. he is due in court later this afternoon. we have a lot of serious news this morning. >> very. >> but there is a bright spot. we have sunny skies across the bay area again today. take a look at this picture. very nice, take a moment to appreciate this beautiful spot we live in. meteorologist steve paulson is going to tell us about the weather coming up for the weekend. >> we'll also keep you posted on several major developments in that boston marathon bombing case in just the past couple of hours. look at the pictures, we'll continue our team coverage of this still unfolding story.
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>> good morning. you're looking at some slow traffic now coming up and over the hill. we're also finding out more about that crash in santa clara involving a police car. we'll tell you more about that straight ahead. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment.
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and during april, the black forest ham is also a $3 six-inch select. subway. eat fresh. 7:23. if you're just joining us this morning, we are following the breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case. these are live pictures from watertown massachusetts. everyone in the boston area, they're being told stay home. stay indoors, don't go to school. don't go to workment don't open businesses. that's because of a massive man hunt happening in the boston area right now focusing on watertown just outside of boston. one of the bombing suspects was killed overnight, n -- in a police shootout several hours ago. the other one is on the loose. law enforcement agents confirm the two suspects are brothers from the russian region of chechnya. we're going to bring you a live
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update from watertown massachusetts at 7:30. the boston marathon bombings and the explosion in texas of that fertilizer plant hit very close to home for one man, joe birdy has just passed the finish line at the marathon. he had just passed when the bombs went off. then he flew home to texas where he took a photo, this photo right here of the fertilizer plant explosion near waco. birdie says he feels extremely lucky to escape both of those explosions unharmed. our time is 7:25. we'll talk more about all of that, but now we need to get you to where you need to go and check on your commute. sal is back, and it's been a very busy morning. >> yeah, it has been really busy. we're all busy obviously today. this is a look at a new crash on the map. i'm going to put it up for you. it's at prune ridge avenue at saratoga avenue on our maps there involving a police vehicle. so watch out for some areas to
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be closed and an investigation to be going on. northbound 280 traffic is doing well and so is 101 in the south bay. let's move along and take a look at some of these other commutes, westbound bay bridge, moderate delay, about a 10 minute delay at the toll plaza. remember in hayward i've incorporated hayward on mission boulevard near cherry way, good area to avoid because of the investigation of a fatal crash. let's talk about the commute on the nimitz freeway, northbound and southbound. this commute doesn't look that bad. well, if you're a fan of the fog, guess what, some of that has come back, especially right outside the golden gate, patchy fog and higher clouds, the system coming into the pacific northwest has ushered in a little sea breeze. there it is dragging across a few high clouds. just means a little cooler pattern today, some 40s, a lot of 40s. we're starting to bounce off some of those morning lows.
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monterey, and sebastopol at 44 degrees. that should be your -- but concord, 47, napa at 42. cool. the breeze which was east or northeast all week long has turned a little westerly, sfo, fairfield, it's not strong but it's definite ily a change in the pattern compared to yesterday. 28 in tahoe. 40s now, 39 in reno but sacramento 46, and down in monterey we're 44. there's that system bringing rain to portland, seattle, high clouds for us. mostly sunny, cooler coast and bay. still warm inland, probably not as warm as yesterday. temperatures, 60s, 70s down about 3 to 5 degrees for many from yesterday unless you're well away from any marine influence and will still be close to yesterday's readings. i think the fog will be back, maybe take the edge of the coast and bay temps. then we turn it around sunny warmer. time now 7:27. more information just coming in all the time about those two suspects in the boston marathon
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bombing case. what we're finding out about the suspect killed in the gun battle overnight with police and the other suspect who was still on the loose.
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welcome back to mornings on 2, 7:30 is the time right now. continuing our breaking news, a massive door to door search underway for the remaining suspect in the boston bombing.
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now his father tells the associated press that his son is smart and accomplished. overnight police have been looking for him in the boston suburb of watertown massachusetts, but the area including boston all under lockdown. it's about 10 miles west of boston. reporter pam brown is there in watertown, much of that area is locked down. i mean it looks like a ghost town behind you. all right. reporter pam brown is there in watertown. it doesn't look like she can hear us at this point, so we will come back to us right now and we're going to check in with them there in watertown and try to connect -- reconnect with her and get that update. for now with our team coverage on the story, we want to go to our newsroom, claudine wong has been following these
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developments since before 4:30 this morning. >> reporter: we want to go right out to the scene. we have a ktvu crew there who's been able to give us a live picture and a perspective of what's happening on the scene out there. there's our camera on just one of the streets. this is arsenal street and patterson street or patton street in watertown. not significant for that location but what you're seeing there with the ghost town as it's been described is a similar scene throughout watertown and nearby communities all around that area as they lock this area down in the search for a suspect. we have another picture we want to show you, if we can get to that, a live picture of the a different area because really wherever we go the scene is the same with thousands and thousands of police officers converging on this area searching for this one suspect believe to be outstanding. now we do have some information that just came in literally a minute ago. we've talked about the suspect's car description that's been out there. it was described as a 1999 honda crv with massachusetts
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plates, boston police had tweeted a few minutes ago that they were looking for it because it might be a suspect vehicle and do not approach it. just within the last minute connecticut state police say -- tell royster's news service that the vehicle in question has been located in the boston area. no more information on that. we don't know if there was any information on the person driving it, if it was the suspect or where that suspect might be. live pictures right now of watertown massachusetts. you can see in this area right where we're watching that kind of looks like it's in a standby mode, but when you talk about the thousands of officers and the miles and miles shut down right now we know there's a lot of activity going on across the area. any car really that you see driving those are all law enforcement officials. only law enforcement and only media allowed in that area. everyone else is shelter in place. who are they looking for. we're going to show you the picture again. this is the latest picture that's come out of the 19-year- old suspect. this is dzhokhar tsamaev, 19
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years old. this is one surveillance photo and then the most recent picture we're getting of him. he's from chechnya. he ask his older brother are accused of this boston bombing at the boston marathon. they are looking for both of them. he is considered armed and dangerous, possibly having explosives on him. these are the pictures that came out last night. on the left side of your screen is his 26-year-old brother tamerlan tsarnaev. we've learned he was a boxer. that he too had been in the area for a while. he was killed in a shootout with police and then on the right side previously described as just the man in the backwards white that is dzhokhar tsamaev. he is on the run right now. he is what every law enforcement official in that area is focused on, finding him, getting him into custody and off the street. this morning we have been hearing from family members. the father in russia calls his youngest son an angel, said he'd been a medical student. the uncle lives in maryland and
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reporters did catch up with him earlier this morning and here's what he had to say. >> it's crazy. it's not possible. i can't believe it. when i heard this on tv news i was thinking how can do like this stuff. it's crazy. it's unbelievable. >> now we're showing you video from last night because this is when this all started picking up steam. the picture that we showed you earlier of the two brothers, those were released at 5:15 last night by authorities. following that there was a lot of activity. there was a convenience store robbery believed to be put in by the 19-year-old suspect. then there was a shooting of the mit police officer. that officer was shot in his car after simply responding to a domestic disturbance call or a disturbance call of some kind. after that there was a carjacking, a man carjacked in
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his mercedes benz, dropped off half an hour later unhurt. then you have this chase. during that chase that is when the 26-year-old old i brother, tamerlan tsarnaev was shot and killed. then the 19-year-old somehow escaped. that's what led us to the man hunt right now. when the 26-year-old's body was taken a look at, they found explosives and a trigger on him that obviously elevated the level of concern. what's been happening out there this morning is that they basically shut everything down. there is no mass transit in that area. there's no traffic in that area. live here in watertown you can see everyone on standby. this is an that's not getting any activity. professional hockey games, baseball games have been called off. they are not doing anything until they get this person into custody. the latest information into our newsroom was that the suspect car description that was put out there, that suspect car has been found. it doesn't appear there's been any development in getting this 19-year-old into custody.
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what we're going to do is continue to watch this situation as it continues to develop, and we'll keep you updated on ktvu mornings on 2. reporting live in the newsroom claudine wong we'll send it back to you. thank you claudine, and our other colleague, ktvu reporter robert hunda knows someone who lives in watertown. her name is karen hanson and she joins us on the phone. karen we are understand you are home there in watertown and police came to your door. >> that is correct. a s.w.a.t. team arrived at about 7:00 this morning. three men with large guns and i don't know what kind they were, but they were big, and they asked to search the house and they were doing that with every house in the neighborhood up and down the street, and there was an armored vehicle in the street with a lot more people that were riding down this quiet residential neighborhood. >> i can't imagine what that would be like when we first talked about this neighborhood
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being locked down, and i thought about myself and i have kids in the house. i don't know if you have children there, but certainly in the neighborhood, i mean, what -- what was that like, and what is it like right now? it puts me on edge, absolutely. i've been worrying about my children who are in columbia and uganda right now, and they're safer than i am. >> oh, gosh. >> which is extremely ironic. >> what are they telling you -- thank you karen, what are they telling you? are you in communication? we've heard there's some reverse 9-1-1 calls going out. are they keeping you updated with what is happening, or are you having to watch local news agencies to figure out what to do? >> we're watching the news. we're listening, we're reading things on the internet. there is a local watertown patch of people are posting and
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tweeting on that, and we've started getting those kinds of messages in the middle of the night. so watertown as a city has an emergency alert system, so we got a call about 2 a.m. waking us up and telling us to stay in the house, and that's the entire -- that the entire town was on lockdown. so at that point we could also see flashing lites. we live not very far from that auburn street where a lot of the shooting and everything was taking place. we could see the flashing lites and smell the gun powder, so that's not what sets you up to have a restful good night's sleep. needless to say we were up a lot, and there have been many contradictory news reports from all directions including the broadcast news, so we're just being safe, but trying to take it all in. >> karen, this is dave clark here with you as well. just two basic questions. one, are you looking outside the window, or are you feeling you have to stay away from
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windows? and also have you thought about the unthinkable, if those suspects came to your house in some way. >> of course you have to think about that, in the middle of the night and you know, the emergency people told us to make sure to lock the doors. that's really kind of laughable really, if somebody who's armed with 2001s and bombs wants to come in your house. we're not staying away from windows. the police presence has been kind of patrolling the area. there are policemen standing in the middle of my street right now up and down the street, but occasionally the the armed s.w.a.t. cars go by as well. >> and are you prepared to hunker down for as long as necessary? we don't know how long this lockdown in your area will go on. any needs that you and your neighbors may need, you can't go anywhere. are you prepared to just hunker down? >> absolutely. you know, they have to catch
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this guy, and i think everybody in the boston area is on board for that, and so yes, we've got plenty of food in the house. we've got water, everything's running and working, and so that part isn't a problem. it's really just concern for people's lives and what this guy will do as a way of trying get revenge or whatever it is that he's doing. i don't know. >> it sounds like the good news i guess as you said watertown has an emergency alert system and this came in at 2:00 in the morning your time because i was thinking this morning about, boy, parents who leave for work early and maybe some kids are home alone, but it sound like you all got the message before anybody left the house hopefully this morning? >> that is correct. yeah. >> well, we're glad you're okay karen and we thank you for taking the time to talk to us by phone from watertown massachusetts, and we hope you and your family and your neighbors continue to be safe. we thank you for talking to us.
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>> okay. thank you. >> thank you karen. time is now 7:416789 as we've been telling you all morning, the suspects in the boston marathon bombings are two brothers have from a part of russia near chechnya, ktvu's brian flores will be here in our studio digging deeper into the backgrounds of these suspects their possible connection to islamic groups in chechnya. make sure you stay tuned to ktvu channel 2 and mornings on 2 for continuing team coverage of all of these late breaking developments in the boston marathon bombing case. you can also get updates at any time by going to our channel 2 web site just look for the boston bombings tab right there on the front page. you and i depend on the ktvu mobile alerts as well later in the day. it does keep you well informed. we want to check back in with sal because certainly we've had our own issues here with the traffic in the bay area. that's right. we have been busy as well with just a bunch of things. if you're trying to get into
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san fransisco you're just about to hit the road it's a 20 minute delay at the toll plaza. it's been steady and slow this morning. we're not getting that friday break that sometimes we do get getting into the city. this is a look at 880 north and southbound. traffic moving along relatively well here as you pass the coliseum. in the east bay we have a fatal crash, misboulevard at cherry way outside of hayward in alameda county. watch for slow traffic in the area in the cherry land neighborhood of unincorporated hay wood. get over to foothill boulevard that's a decent alternate route. in santa clara injury crash at prune ridge avenue involving a santa clara city police car there. due to the news today we're going to keep this short, sunny today but cooler, some fog has come back to the coast, a weak system for us, but a strong system pacific northwest has allowed that fog along with
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cold ocean hemps to form and a few high clouds as well. it equals mostly sunny but cooler coast and bay. 60s instead of those upper mid- 70s we had yesterday. still mild to warm inland but i think even those temps come down a couple degrees. it looks warmer early next week. thank you steve. 7:43 is the time right now. a chechnya connection, what we are learning about the background of the two brothers, the suspects in the boston bombing. >> plus a special visit to a local boy injured in the marathon bombings. we're going to tell you what we are learning about his condition this morning. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news and mornings on 2 taking you live to the big board. dow jones down about 50 points right now. nasdaq and s&p 500 as well, and i just wanted to take a look at seaworld. it has -- looks like it has opened. seaworld went public today. stock is up $4 a share. it's trading out $31 a share after going public this morning. time now 7:i 46. we're following breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case. boston's police commissioner says everyone in boston has to stay inside as the continuing search for the one surviving suspect in the marathon bombing goes on. these are live pictures obviously you're looking at armed police officers on guard ready for anything at any moment. now a news conference will be happening at any moment as well. we'll keep you posted on that. boston's police commissioner made an announcement a short timing a after a long night of violence that left the other suspect in the marathon bombing
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dead. as we've been telling you since 4:30 this morning, the two suspects in the boston marathon bombings are brothers. they're from a part of russia near chechnya. ktvu's brian flores back in the studio now. you talked this morning with an expert who knows more about the nature of the continuing conflict in chechnya. brian. >> that's exactly right. this continues to be obviously a very fluid situation and a very sensitive one because we don't want to come to any assumptions, but this morning we are learning that both of the suspects in the boston marathon bombing are from the region of chechnya in russia in the area of the northern caucuses mountain region. from the 2010 census more than a million people lived there. 95 percent in that area are ethnic chechnyas and it is a primarily islamic region. it has been terrorized -- the conflict in chechnya began in 1994 but quickly turned into
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islamic insurgencies vowing to create an independent state. militants in chechnya have refrain from attacks outside the region. what you're looking at is video of russian police on guard there in russia. attacksattacks in 2002, numerous bombings in moscow and other cities. there is no connection at this point whether the the suspects in the boston marathon bombings are connected to insurgencies but a terrorism expect we spoke with is military chechnyas have been known to work with islamic insurgents in other countries. >> in countries in iraq and syria we have seen cases of foreign fighters going to assist in fighting for islamist insurgents. in afghanistan there are documented cases of chechnyas who went to afghanistan to fight on the side of the taliban. >> there's a lot of information
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going on but he says this is not a time for people to panic. he praises the work done by law enforcement saying the way they identified the type of weapon used to the suspects was textbook. coming up on mornings on 2, our expert talks more on how public safety and recent events events in boston will help law enforcement in the bay area. thank you brian for that update. a father in revere massachusetts is afraid for his son's life after his 17-year- old son and a friend were misidentified as the boston marathon bombing suspects. now the original article appeared in the new york post. sala bahone learned about it on social media and went straight to the police department to clear their names. they worry about the impact on the rest of their lives. >> people in my families, all the blame is going to be on me. i can tell you it wasn't me.
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>> he now wants an apology from the post. the post has updated its story reporting that the two men have been cleared in the investigation. the martinez boy injured in the boston marathon bombing could leave the intensive care unit as early as today according to a facebook posting by his mother. yesterday first lady michelle obama visited the boy at boon children's hospital. aaron hearns mother says the surgery to close a deep wound on his leg was successful and he is doing much better. >> that is good news. time is 7:51. we're going to continue our team coverage of the boston marathon bombing case. now we're finding out about a car that could be tied to the case as well as a news conference on the way. >> and you remember the refinery fire in richmond in august. it made 15,000 people sick and the public meeting that is scheduled for tonight on the latest findings into that fire
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and explosion.
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welcome back to mornings on 2. we continue with our breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case case. live pictures in watertown massachusetts, the center of this intense man hunt. police have sealed off portions of the boston metro area as well as this town about 10 miles west of boston, watertown. police also are checking a car that could be tied to this case we understand. this is all after a violent night of chasing the boston marathon terror suspects. one of the suspects and a police officer is dead. this man hunt effectively shutting down a large portion of the nation's fifth largest metro area. we are waiting in on a press conference there in watertown massachusetts that is set to begin at any moment now, so we're waiting for that. we're going to dip in as soon
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as that begins, but we want to let you know that we have team coverage on this. we just spoke to a woman on the phone. >> i was going to say, from watertown connecticut. >> robert hunda put us in touch with her. and talking about the intense situation. they got the wake-up call at 2 a.m. their time. police, she s.w.a.t. teams coming to her door to tell everybody to stay inside. so again, we're monitoring this. we're waiting for this press conference that will be gettingunder way at any point in time. claudine wong is in our newsroom watching the latest developments. we want to go to sal and check in on traffic. a lot of people needing to head out the door soon. that's right. and it hasn't been quiet on the bay area roads either unfortunately. we've had some problems out there. we have a big backup at the toll plaza. it is backed up for a 20 minute delay, not moving well getting into san fransisco. we're not getting the lighter commute on a friday that we sometimes do get. san fransisco itself is looking
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good, remind you that tonight there is a baseball game at at and a at&t park. it's going to be tough traffic traffic for that game. moving along and taking a look at the maps, i want to show you that injury crash at prune ridge avenue at saratoga avenue involving a police car. they're doing an investigation there. some fog has come back, part, of the coast very patchy. but it's there and that's a sign of a cooler pattern coast and bay today. a little bit of haze also starting to show up. we have more of a westerly breeze. also a few high clouds. highs today 60s, 70s, coming down 3 to 5 degrees. it does look warmer sunday and next week. time now 7:56. as pam was telling you we're waiting far news conference to begin in massachusetts. we're following the late breaking developments in the boston marathon bombing case. ktvu's claudine wong is all over this as we continue our team coverage and we wait for that news conference due to
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begin at any moment. >> we're live in hayward where a man is dead and a woman is hospitalized after a sheriff's deputy crashes into them in his patrol car. we will have the latest update and reaction from the scene. >> we're live in san fransisco where hundreds of runners wrapped up a run for boston. we'll hear from them and why this was important to do this morning on morning on 2.
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good morning. welcome back. this is mornings on 2. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook in for tori campbell. >> at 8:00 we have our breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case. there is a news conference set to begin at any moment now where we are expecting some new information on this intense man hunt that has been going on. it started overnight, a long anytime -- a long night of violence and explosions in the city of watertown 10 miles west of boston. the search has shut down much of the city. boston the surrounding suburbs, people inside their homes and just on alert waiting for what will happen next. claudine wong has been following this story for us since 4:30 this morning and is
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in our newsroom. we are waiting for that press conference we were talking about. we've been monitoring that situation. we'll bring it to you as it starts. we want to go out to the scene to show you live pictures. you can see there in the bottom right-hand of the screen, across the street a little earlier there were several state troopers lining that area. they have left the scene and been told that some of the media have been told to be prepared to turn their cameras off in some of the areas where we are live. we're not sure what that means in terms of if there's activity or something about to happen. we know they were looking for a crv, a vehicle possibly said to be the suspect's vehicle this morning. that vehicle was found in the boston area, but we don't really have any more information on that. we're hoping we'll get some more information on that when this press conference gets underway. that's a live picture of where the press conference is expected to be held. we have some other pictures we want to show you of some of the other areas in water town.
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we were told that some of the crews were told to turn their cameras off, and those are the crews in the watertown neighborhoods that are shut down because of this. we'll keep an eye on this situation. let's get you up to date on what's been happening over the last several minutes or so because there's been a lot of activity. we can show you who they're looking for right now. we can show you a picture of 19- year-old dzhokhar tsamaev. this a picture released this morning. he is considered armed and dangerous. the police commissioner saying "we believe this to be a man who's come here to kill people." police believe her and his brother are responsible for the boston marathon bombings. let's show you a picture that they released of the two brothers. on the left side of your screen 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev, he is dead. he was killed by police overnight. we've learned that he was a boxer in the area that both of these brothers have been in the united states for ten years, maybe more. the man on the right is the one
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they're looking for, again that's dzhokhar tsamaev. he is still loose. there's a lot coming in from the family. the father who's been talking to the press by phone from russia has said that his son was a true angel. he now apparently in recent conversations with reporters is getting angry saying his sons have been set up and that he's angry and he believes that his sons have been killed and that this is not something they're responsible for. again, we are still trying to get more information on them. live picture now again of the press conference. doesn't look like it's about to get underway any moment but we'll keep an eye on that. in the meantime we're hearing from friends of the brothers. >> he was really passive, a normal kid. we used to make a lot of jokes. we're like the type of guys who crack jokes and he wouldn't make a joke about people because it seemed like he didn't have a malicious bone in his body. >> i want to show you video and take you through the events that led us up to this point
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right now. the photos, the surveillance photos of these two suspects; was about 5:15 last night. that's when they officially went out to the public. after that there was a series of events that ended up being very deadly. first there was a convenience store robbery, then this m. i. t. police officer was shot and killed and word from that area is that they say that he was ambushed, shot multiple times this his car. after that there was a carjacking of man driving a mercedes benz. he was kept with the two suspects for about a half an hour before he was released at a gas station. after that there was a shootout of some kind in which the 26- yearld suspect, the older brother was killed. he apparently had explosives on his body as well as trigger that raised and elevated a high level of concern among authorities. following that the 19-year-old somehow escaped that scene, and that's when this man hunt got underway. we don't want to forget about the lives that have been lost. we talked about the boston marathon bombings and the lives lost there and the m. i. t.
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police officer who was killed. we have a picture of him. that is police officer shaun collier who was shot and killed by this boston marathon bombing suspects this morning. he's the first law enforcement fatality from the state of massachusetts this year, just 26 years old. there's also a transit officer who was injured overnight when the shooting started and this 26-year-old was killed. he at last word was in critical condition. we don't have any more information on how he is doing. that has raised high levels of concern, back out live. we don't know what's happening in the neighborhoods of watertown right now except to tell you that the media crews have been told to turn thiaridae cameras off and we always try to work with police. do not want to compromise anyone's safety when that happens, and so that's why our live pictures of the neighborhoods and there are several media crews in those neighborhoods who have turned their cameras off. that is no longer a picture we're getting. as soon as we get that picture, we'll have a better idea of what's happening.
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again, it looks like this press conference we are waiting for may take longer to get started. we'll keep an eye on that for you and certainly bring it to you when that information fetes underway. for now that's the latest from our newsroom. we are just getting word that that press conference delayed 10 to 15 minutes, maybe longer. we are monitoring that from our newsroom. stay with us here ktvu channel 2 news all morning long for continuing team coverage. many late developments coming in, moment by moment in this boston marathon bombing case. and don't forget if you do have to leave your television, you can get updates anytime of day by going to our channel 2 web site,, or mobile ktvu. on our front page you can look for the boston bombings tab. we have developing news back here in the bay area of two pedestrians hit this morning, by a sheriff's deputy patrol car near hayward. this happened at mission boulevard and cherry way in the cherry land area of alameda
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county. ktvu's janine de la vega is right there. you just talked to someone who was there minutes after that accident janine. >> reporter: dave, that's right. we were told by that man that when he arrived it was a very chaotic scene, but now it's turned into a somber mood especially among alameda county sheriff's deputies. we're here on mission boulevard where chp is investigating. they have both directions of the street closed here near st. james. this is the deputy's patrol car that was involved in the crash besides hitting the pedestrians he also crashed into the white car that was parked there behind it. there's also still a body lying here in the middle of the street. now let's go to an aerial view from chopper 2 taken earlier this morning of the accident scene. authorities say it all took place at 4:30 this morning, sheriff's deputy was traveling northbound on mission boulevard when weaver told that he didn't see two pedestrians who were crossing the street near the
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crosswalk. the patrol car swerved and hit the park car. the male pedestrian died at the scene. the woman who was hit was sent to the hospital, but we're told that she is expected to survive. authorities say this appears that she was intoxicated. it's unknown if the male victim was. sheriff's officials say they also do not know if the deputy was speeding. we spoke to a driver who pulled over right after the accident happened. here's his reaction. >> accidents like this do happen, and i feel sorry for the victim of this circumstance, tragedy, and i feel horrible for the sheriff's deputy that has to live with this on his conscious. >> the. >> reporter: the sheriff's deputy involved is man who is a nine-year veteran of the department. we're told he is still being interviewed back at the station by chp investigators. we're told that he is devastated over this accident. now, earlier we were told that there was three police pursuits going on between different
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agencies. we're told that's what initially brought the deputy into the area, but we're told those pursuits had already ended and they are not related. again, you're looking at a live picture of the scene on mission boulevard where traffic is closed. you cannot drive through here between medford and gross street and to find out a little bit more about how this is impacting the commute we go to sal. >> all right janine. one of the best the gnat routes to submission mission is foothill. you can use that as you mentioned the investigation is going to take a while near the intersection of mission boulevard and cherry way. so it's a good dropped avoid the area for most of the morning. as they do this investigation. let's go out and take a look at the brand new crash. i just found out about this southbound 688 knot bay injury accident, motorcycle down, and they say it's a hit and run crash as well. if you're driving from concord to walnut creek, this will
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impact you, all of the southbound lanes were blocked although it sound like they may get some of these lanes open, but there is an injury accident here in walnut creek just before the walnut creek interchange 680 and highway 24. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. it has been steady and slow. 20 to 30 minute delay into san fransisco. if you're driving in san fransisco northbound 101 traffic does look good approaching the lower deck of the bay bridge. 8:08. lots of sunshine, a little bit of fog came back. a little bit around the golden gate bridge, not much. there's a lot offshore. but there's just a slight component of a westerly breeze. it will be cooler today and a few high clouds mainly towards the north bay and valley. 40s and 50s on the temps. we're stating to rebound. inland temps will have no problems getting in the upper 70s and low 80s. that's going to hold things in check a little bit. high pressure will build in
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late saturday and sunday. mostly sunny, cooler coast and bay, but still it will be a nice day. 60s, 70s. about the same on saturday and then sunshine and warmer weather which takes us into sunday and early next week. time now is 8:09. happening right now, people in san fransisco, some runners just finished a 4-mile run in honor of the boston marathon bombing victims. ktvu's tara moriarty is there at the ferry building where it started and wrapped up, so what's the very latest tara? >> reporter: well the runners crossed the finish line about 20 minutes ago. they were very cube rent, and had one things on their minds. that was boston. they ran the 4.16-mile loop from here from the ferry building down to ghirardelli square. they took off earlier this morning in a sea of yellow and blue, so lots of onlookers noticed and cheered them on. the athletic fund rallied via facebook. they say it's important to show
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solidarity with boston boston. >> this is an opportunity for people to come together and be supportive of their community, to get to know their neighbors, and kind of to help each other get er the initial shock. >> reporter: now this comes four days after those explosions near the finish line of one of the world's most prestigious races. three people killed and injuring more than 150 people. runners all over the country have been offering tributes. they've had moments of silence, tears, running. an event in oakland yesterday, had one here obviously in san fransisco this morning. these runners say you can expect to see more. we're live in san fransisco, i'm tartish ktvu channel 2 news. some boston marathon sponsors are helping to raise money to pay some of the medical expenses of the victims of monday's explosions. adidas is contributing all the money online sales of limited addition t-shirts generates. the boston beer company is
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donating all the money it makes from a special brew. and john hancock insurance as well as at&t have pledged $1 million each. right now it is 11 minutes after 8:00. and we are going to continue our team coverage of the boston bombing case, a news conference set to begin moments from now, and we're going to take you there live. >> also why taxpayers will end up paying for the annual 420 marijuana gathering in golden gate park tomorrow.
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just a hint of fog on the coast. still sunny, mild to warm. we'll get some 80s near the coast. time now is 8:14. we're still following the breaking news in the boston marathon bombing case. we have live pictures for you right here of a news conference on everything that's been happening overnight, happening all this morning. the news conference will begin at any moment. the body yum is set -- the podium is set up. we'll bring it to you live once it begins. thousands of police officers are spread out all over boston and the surrounding areas searching for the one remaining bombing suspect. during the night the other suspect was shot and killed. secretary of state john kerry just issued a statement saying this is a major victory in the battle against international terrorism. now i want to show you something else. it is one of the unforgettable
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images from the boston marathon bombings. you're looking at one of the victims rushed away from the bomb site in a wheelchair. bloomberg news says that this victim jeff baumann lost his legs in the bombing attack but his memory turned out to be instrumental. he woke up in the hospital and immediately wrote down the words bag, saw the guy, looked right at me. that information was given to the fbi. it was a description of one of the suspects from the bombing. while we wait for that press conference to begin we want to let you know that top national security officials in washington just wrapped up a meeting with bomb on the latest developments in. officials from the fbi, cia and homeland security all involved. kyla. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry was also at that meeting. he spoke just a few minutes ago, says he knows someone who
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was injured in monday's blast but did not offer any details that came up during that meeting that just ended at the white house. there's something else developing just outside of washington. take a look at this video. this is live view outside of a home in montgomery county maryland about 15 miles from washington. the uncle of the boston bombing suspect lives here, and authorities had taped off his house earlier. investigators are inside talking to the man. we did see fbi agents entering the home earlier but our crew on scene says the fbi is not confirming if they're handling this case. and neighbors tell our fellow reporter the family who lives in this home is friendly and six children live there as well. of course we will keep you updated on any developments this live look out of montgomery county maryland. also i got an update from our producer that the white house briefing scheduled for 9:00 pacific has been postponed until further notice. we'll keep you updated as that gets rescheduled for later on
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today. for now reporting live in washington kyla campbell ktvu channel 2 news. happening right now, the new immigration reform bill is getting its first test at a hearing of the senate judiciary committee. we're keeping an eye on that. there's senator lindsey graham on camera. the so-called gang of 8 senators unveiled the plan yesterday. it includes 13-year path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants. critics say it amounts to amnesty for people who came to this country illegally. police and child welfare advocates say a little notice change to a california law makes it harder to track possible child abusers. california has a database that includes the names of suspected abusers. it's used to flag people when they apply to work with kids or take on foster children. starting in 2011, only state welfare agencies can add names to the database. in the past police have also
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been able to submit names. officers say that creates a gap in information, especially if a suspect moves often. san fransisco city attorneys are investigating a nevada mental hospital accused of dumping discharged patients in the city. sacramento bee reports that the psychiatric hospital has bussed more than 1500 mentally ill patients out of nevada over the past five years. 500 of them were given one-way tickets to california. three dozen ended up in san fransisco. a nevada health official denies any wrongdoing. time is 8:19. tomorrow's 420 marijuana party in san fransisco will be a very expensive one. thousands of people are expected to gather and smoke marijuana at hippie hill in golden gate park tomorrow. since the event has no organizer city taxpayers will be picking up the bill. the recreation and parks department estimates it will spend about $10,000 cleaning up and repairing any possible
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damage. big story of today of course is out of boston, which we are waiting for a news conference this morning, new developments every minute in this boston marathon bombing case. you're looking live as we wait for that press conference to begin. we're looking outside our window at your skies today, a cooler start to today, but it will warm up. meteorologist steve paulson will tell you about your weekend forecast. >> southbound 101 golden gate bridge traffic looks good. we'll tell you more about the morning commute and the bay area weather.
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ñç [ male announcer ] enjoy delicious chicken made the way you say at subwa. with our oven roasted chicken, now a $3 six-inch select. make it your own with melty monterey cheddar or creamy ranch. and during april, the black forest ham is also a $3 six-inch select. subway. eat fresh.
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welcome back. time now is 8:22. all morning long we've been following the breaking news from boston about the boston bombing investigation. these are live pictures of news conferences about to start at any moment. we're watching for it. during the night we told you one suspect was killed and a man hunt is going on right now for the second one. you have thousands of law enforcement agents fanning out all over the boston area trying to find them. we also know the two suspects are brothers. their father who lives in russia says his younger son and i'm quoting is -- a true angel" and that he's here in the united states to study medicine. back here in california a new investigation by the state auditor's office shows the dmv is mishandling the fun of those personalized license plates.
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extra money charged for personalized license plates is supposed to be used to support special causes such as the environment or the arts, but the state auditor says the dmv has been collecting millions of dollars less than it should be from that program. >> it could be for environmental protection purposes, for antiterrorism activities, and so these funds that are not being collected are not being -- you know, it's money we could be using to fund those activities. >> the dmv has said keeping track of these different funds would take a massive computer upgrade that would cost more than the program brings in. let's go back to sal. you've checked a lot of area. you haven't said much about walnut creek. >> we haven't because it had been a good commute but now there's a motorcycle crash on 680 southbound at north main. this crash, someone who caused this according to csp took off afterwards. the motorcycle rider was left laying on the ground and he is being picked up. there's an injury crash there
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with fire and medics on the scene. if you're driving from concord to walnut creek on 680 right now, probably not a good idea. you might want to use some of the side roads if you know your warn and get on 680 after the walnut creek interchange. let's take a look at some of these pictures, 880 northbound is beginning to fill in as you drive up to the bay bridge toll plaza area, and the toll plaza has not been light. some fridays we have lighter than usual conditions. it's not one of those fridays. it is backed up for a 25 to 30 minute wait. thank you sir. just a little change in our pattern today, not much. but there's some patchy fog which came back mainly around the -- i mean it's not a big fog maker. i wouldn't worry about it but maybe a light jacket tonight for the padres and the giants. a little more of a sea breeze. you can see that system to the north spreading in some high and mid level clouds. let's open the door for more of a westerly breeze. 60s by the coast, 70s inland and upper 70s or very low 80s.
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not much changed through tomorrow. it looks a little warmer on sunday. there are indications even warmer monday tuesday. all right steve. time is 8:25. more details coming in every moment about those two brothers accused of the boston marathon womaning. we're waiting on a news conference at any moment. the latest development about a massive man hunt and reaction from the family and friends of one of the suspects. >> when the gunfire started we told the kids all to get down on the ground. >> plus little kids five and six-year-olds diving for cover, bullets were flying at a vallejo t-ball game.
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8:28. we have breaking news, the uncle of the two suspects in the bombing case has come out of the home. he's talking to the media. >> where were they born and where'd they come here from? >> they came here from kilyestan. >> where were they born? >> in kilyestan. >> what did you mean by that? >> i don't say losers. i'm saying those were able to make this are only losers. that's what i say. there's no idea that may may follow. thank you. >> what do you do for a living sir? >> huh? >> what do you do for a living? >> i work. i work. thank you very much. one more thing. from now on i dearly and you to respect my property. again, with the families of
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those who suffered we're sharing with them their grief. i'm ready just to meet with them. i'm ready just to bend in front of them, to kneel in front of them seeking that forgiveness. in the name of the family so that's what i'm saying. please, yeah. >> again, you've been listening to a live news conference coming from montgomery village maryland. the man who was talking is the uncle of the two men identified as suspects in the boston marathon bombing case. he had come out of the house, talked to the media gathered out there. among other things he said that the suspects came from kazakhstan and he's denying that they are responsible for the attacks. that just happened. you saw it live right here on ktvu mornings on 2. we'll bring you more details as we get it
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in. a massive door to door search is happening for that one remaining suspect in the boston bombing. one was killed during the night. his father tells the associated press his sob -- his son is very smart and accomplished and is a medical student. overnight the police went looking for him in the boston suburb of watertown massachusetts about 10 miles west of boston. our reporter pam brown has been there. she's in watertown, back with us live and most of that area, it looks like a ghost town behind you. it's locked down. >> reporter: it really is. it's desolate around here. i was just thinking it feels like it would maybe on a big holiday. all the stores are closed. you don't see any residents walking around, no cars on the streets other than the o'occasional humvees and state police cars that drive by us. so it really is a ghost town. to my right, not far from where i am, there was a situation where authorities had their guns drawn, and they were surrounding someone. we just learned moments ago
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that that scene has been cleared, that they don't believe the person they were surrounding was the suspect we're looking for. this situation here in watertown continues to escalate as authorities look for dzhokhar tsamaev. the entire area on lockdown. hundreds of thousands of people in their homes. the doors locked as this man hunt continues. >> all right pam brown. thank you for that latest update from watertown massachusetts. we continue our team coverage of the boston marathon bombing story. we're checking with claudine wong who's been all over this story. you're back now in our newsroom claudine. what's the latest? what are you pulling together now? >> senly we've -- certainly we've had these latest developments the possible suspect that did not turn out to be the person they were looking for. we have more information on the car they were seeking. we are waiting for this press conference. a live picture of the area where we are waiting for this
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press conference. what we have heard is that the mayor and the governor are being briefed by authorities and then they will be ready to hold this press conference. as far as when it will start, that's still unclear. what a police officer did just relay to reporters out there however, was that the crv they were looking for, they had put out a description of it, and the reason they did that was because they know the two suspects were in a crv last night. they think they might have been in it at the time of the shooting of the m. i. t. police officer. they say they had that crv at the time of the carjacking where they held a man for at least several minutes before letting him go. then that crv was actually driven away by one of the suspects is what they were told. that's why they put out the description this morning. it was recovered in massachusetts, possibly in cambridge. they're trying to confirm that for reporters. it was abandoned when they found it, so it did not lead them to the suspect, but certainly they were able to seal off that question of where
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that crv was and was the suspect using it. we've had a long morning out here while this man hunt has been underway. we told you all the cameras were turned off, those live cameras. we had our ktvu crew in the neighborhood as well. that was because of the police activity. they're saying that that is not the person they thought they were look for and so this massive man hunt that has shut down watertown and all those surrounding communities continues at this hour with a very high level of anxiety when you're talking about public safety and what's happening out there. let's give you a picture of the man they are looking for. that is 19-year-old dzhokhar tsamaev. he is on the run right now. police believe he may have explosives on him. his brother also involved in the boston marathon bombings according to police. this is a picture that was released this morning. i want to show you a picture of the brothers released last night. on your left is the older brother. that's 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev. that man is dead now. he was killed in a shootout
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with police. on the right side of your screen you hear even police this morning referred to the suspect in the white hat, that's how they identified him early on. they are now again identifying him by his name of dzhokhar tsamaev. his uncle very emotional as you just heard live on the air telling him to turn himself in, saying that the family was ready to get down on their knees and kneel for forgiveness when they were talking about the victims of the boston marathon bombings. the victims of last night's shooting. we had heard from another uncle as well this morning. let's hear what he to say. >> and ask for forgiveness from the victims, from the injured, and from those who left, and forgiveness from these people. we're not requiring forgiveness in this family. he put a shame -- he put a shame on this family, our
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family. he put a shame on the entire chef then ethnicity. >> a very passionate uncle speaking in maryland. there is extended family throughout that area. you're taking a look at video that was shot last night when all of this started picking up steam. you remember it was about 5:00, a little after 5:00, maybe 5:15 or so when authorities officially released the photos of these two brothers and put it out there that they were looking for them. a short time after that there was a convenience store robbery, and then this m. i. t. police officer was shot, a 26- year-old police officer who they say was just ambushed as he sat in his car. he had simply gone to respond to a disturbance call when he lost his life. after that there was the carjacking we discussed, the one they believed the crv was used in. a man was carjacked. he was eventually let go unharmed, and then this shootout. this was the scene as the bullets started flying and this 26-year-old older brother tamerlan tsarnaev was actually shot and killed.
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again, when he was killed he had explosives apparently on his body and a trigger. somehow the 19-year-old younger brother was able to get away from the scene, and that is the situation that we are dealing with right now. we should mention there was a transit officer injured in that shootout. we don't know his condition. we can only tell you he was in critical condition. the situation right now is we are awaiting that press conference. we're not sure if there's physician to be may -- going to be major new developments. the mayor and governor are being briefed and will head out in front of those mike phones and give us an idea of where the investigation stands. earlier in the day they had said this was going to take hours. they are covering a broad area. they believe both suspects have been in that area for ten years or so so are familiar with the neighborhoods. everything in that area remains shut down, no mass transit, no schools, no businesses. the neighborhoods are locked down. they're like ghost towns with everyone staying inside their homes. police asking the media to work with them, turn off the cameras
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when they have any kind of tactical operations ongoing. for the safety of those officers that's what the media is doing out there. we are seeing pictures come and go and getting information from crews on the scene. we'll keep an eye on it for you and bring you any new developments. reporting live from the newsroom claudine wong. thank you claudine. as we've been reporting the suspects in the bombings are two brothers. coming up at 8:45. brian flores is digging deeper into the backgrounds of these suspects and their possible connection to islamist groups in chechnya. he's in our newsroom and will have an update coming up. stay tuned to mornings on 2 for continuing team coverage of these late breaking developments in the boston marathon bombing case. anytime of day you can go to we have a boston bombings tab right on our front page. in overnight news a man is receiving emergency care after being hit by a freight train in oakland. part of a union pacific train
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running through jack london square clipped a man who had passed out near the tracks. it happened at 1:00 this morning. firefighters helped rescue that man. he has head injuries. he was taken to the hospital in serious condition. very scary story, a violent end to a little league game in vallejo as five and 6-year-olds had to dive for cover when bullets started flying. two men were arguing in the parking lot when one drove away, the other opened fire riddling the car with bullets. the victim was ail to get away but people at the game say this should be a safe place for children. >> there's no regard for life at all. this is what we've become that we can just shoot off bullets next to these children instead of playing and laughing as they leave they leave in fear. >> right now the board has canceled all the games, the little league games in vallejo. the gunman still on the loose described as a mixed race man
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in his 20s weighing 250 pounds of the he could be armed with a semiautomatic handgun. please call vallejo police if you have any information. 8:39. let's get sal back, see what's happening on the roads and particularly the toll plaza. it's been busy and i kind of thought it wouldn't be as busy. let's take a look at the toll plaza here and look at westbound bay bridge. we haven't seen much of a break at all. it's been a 25 to 30 minute wait getting into san fransisco. so i want to remind you that in san fransisco tonight the giants play the padres. they're back in town. there will be some games this weekend and tonight the the community might be a little bit different because of that baseball game going on at at&t park. let's ke a look at the san mateo bridge. that traffic looks pretty good. it is a nice drive to the high- rise. and we're at southbound 688 north main they're clearing an accident. happy friday everybody. if you're listening but not watching some higher clouds coming in, system up in the
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pacific northwest dragging across a few high clouds for us, and also just a whisp or two of fog. it will kind of usher in a slightly cooler pattern. you can see they'll be with us so mostly sunny today, but the sfo which went from about 10 miles an hour to calm in the last couple of hours. there's a west wind but there's not much of one. a little bit of patchy fog and some higher clouds will equal a slightly cooler pattern coast and bay. inlands still upper 70s or low 80s. not much of a change on saturday. then it looks warmer on sunday and especially monday and tuesday. thank you steve. 8:41 is the time. we are following the breaking developments that keep coming in to our newsroom in this boston bombing case. you just watched the uncle of one of the suspects make a very angry statement. >> plus what we're also finding out about the backgrounds of those two brothers, the suspects in the boston bombings. is it wrong to buy an entire outfit to match your mani-pedi? shop like a fashionista.
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time now 8:44. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're following right now. we're still waiting for a news conference in the boston marathon bombing case that's due to begin at any moment. you see all the police activity happening right out there. boston's police commissioners telling everyone in the boston area stay indoors. that's because the police are
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in a man hunt searching for the one surviving bombing suspect in the city of watertown. the other suspect was shot and killed overnight. in the meantime the uncle of the two suspects talked to reporters and you heard them live just minutes ago. >> the families of those who suffered we're sharing with them with their grief. i'm ready just to meet with them. i'm ready just to stand in front of them, to kneel in front of them. >> now the uncle had a message for his nephew that is if he is still alive that he should immediately turn himself in. the two suspects in the boston marathon bombings are brothers. they're from a part of russia near chechnya. ktvu's brian flores talked this morning with an expert who's reminding us about the nature of the continuing conflict in chechnya. brian you're here now with those details. that's right. and there's no question this remains a changing situation by the minute, and it's also a very sensitive one as well.
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we don't want to jump to any assumptions but if this man hunt continues for is the-year- old dzhokhar tsamaev, we're learning that both suspects are from a region in southeastern russia known as chechnya. from the 2010 census that more than a million people live there. 95% of that area are ethnic chechens and it's a primarily islamic region. it has been plagued by terrorism and violence in the past since its breakup with the soviet union in the 1990th. conflicts began in 1994 as a separatist war from russia. it turned into islamic insurgencies vowing to create an independent state. militants in chechnya have refrain from attacks outside the region but there have been attacks in russia. this is video of russian police on guard. attacks in 2002 were 129 hostages and 2004 where 330 people died along with numerous bombings. there is no connection at this
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point whether the suspects in the boston marathon bombings are connected to insurgencies but a terrorist expert says they have been known to work with islamic insurgents in libya e syria and afghanistan. here in the bay area we have big events coming up. here is what he says about public safety. >> by and large people that organize those types of activities, they know those things, they do those things. but look, i mean your odds of getting hit by a car are much higher than your odds of getting hit in a terrorist attack. your odds of getting hit by a meteor are probably more likely than getting hit by a terrorist, so the reality is if they do good public safety at a large event they've done their due diligence and then people should feel confident to do that. >> he also says this could be a case of mofia groups in the region coordinating attacks. there are cases of chechen militants working with the
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taliban and al-qaeda. it is too early to tell. we're hearing that the chechen government released a statement saying the suspects moved kazakhstan and eventually moved to the u.s. later on. we're staying on top of this fluid recent set of events and will bring you the latest throughout the morning. thanks for the update. time now is 8:47. in overnight news police here in the bay area investigating a body found in oakland. >> police tell ktvu the body was found last night on 81st 81st avenue nerudas dale street about 7:40 p.m. police haven't confirmed whether or not this is a homicide investigation. oakland police are expanding their shot spotter system in north oakland. now captain ursey joiner helped to calibrate the system's audio sensors by firing those shots into a bullet trap set up at a ball field. the shot spotter detects when gunshots are fired and then
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alerts the police. >> now with this technology we can actually tell and exactly where a person got shot within 5 meters of the gunshots going off. >> now the captain said that shot spotters then sends police officers the location of the shooting and the number of shots that were fired. they can do that within 45 seconds. he also said that the shot spotter's expansion should be up and running in the next couple of days. oakland police are expanding their shot spotter system. we've been talking about that. there's also another story, no reports of any injuries from a house fire last night in east oakland. that fire started at 8:00 near -- on a home near the corner of 84th avenue and doweling street. crews cut off gas and electricity to the house due to nearby power lines. the invest into the cause just beginning. some bay area go badge workers are not reporting to work today to show their
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support for striking workers in the midwest. the strike involves workers with republic services and allied waste, a division of that company. so far the strike has disrupted service to san jose, fremont and union city. it began yesterday. it continues today, and people in those cities who have saturday service may also be affected. time is 8:49. we have some new information now about that race way accident in marysville. the one that claimed the life o'a 14-year-old boy from santa rosa. the ewe baa county coroner's office will soon be ruling that the march 16th crash that killed marcus johnson and dale wonder gem was an accident. authorities say the investigation of the car did not turn up any evidence of malfunction or a problem with the steering wheel, but they say it is possible that steering wheel may have come loose. we are learning new information about that deadly fire in the south bay that killed a 7-year-old girl. we want to show you a new
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picture from the family, maria gomez she was a 1st grader at grant academy in north san jose. her grandfather tried to save her after the bedroom she is her sister were sleeping in went up in flames. family members say that the mother lit a candle but blew it out before that fire started. this morning the san jose 49ers youth football and cheer teams are holding a car wash to help raise money for the family and their funeral expenses. hundreds of people are expected to attend a candlelight vigil tonight for south bay teenager audrie pott. she's the 15-year-old who took her own life in september. her family says that's after pictures surfaced when she was sexually assaulted at a party. three boys have been charged with sexual assault. that vigil is at 8:00 tonight at her high school, saratoga high school. 8:51, a crash just hours ago this morning involving a sheriff's deputy killed a pedestrian and seriously injured another. one of the east bay's busiest
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streets had to be closed down after it happened for the investigation. stay tuned. we'll bring you a live report from that scene. >> interstate 880 getting busy now as you drive downtown. we'll tell you more straight ahead.
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welcome back to mornings on 2. we have been following that developing news of a fatal crash near hayward. it involves an alameda county sheriff's deputy.
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the deputy reportedly hit two pedestrians on mission boulevard at cherry way, one of those people died. ktvu's janine de la vega has been there at the scene all morning, and traffic it looks like it's still blocked janine. >> reporter: it is, and i just spoke with a chp lieutenant who tells me that mission boulevard will remain closed for at least three more hours because they're still investigating. the body is still lying in the middle of the street. they are gathering evidence trying to figure out how fast the patrol officer was going when he was here on mission boulevard. you can see all the damage there where the officers are standing, and you can also see the damage done to that white car that was also hit. now let's go to an aerial view from chopper 2 that was taken earlier this morning of the accident scene. authorities say at 4:30 this morning a sheriff's deputy from alameda county was traveling northbound on mission boulevard in unincorporated hayward when he hit two pedestrians who were crossing the street near the crosswalk. that patrol car swerved and hit a parked car.
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the male pedestrian died at the scene, and the woman was also hit and sent to the hospital. authorities say she appeared to be cox kateed. -- intoxicated. we're also hearing that they found what appeared to be several baggies of drugs oner had. we also spoke to a driver who pulled over right after the accident happened. he describes what he saw. >> there was a sad sorrow feeling amongst the officers faces. go one wanted to speak. no one was saying anything. they were just all very saddened, and it seemed like they were very very disturbed, so was i noticing that the person was deceased. >> the sheriff's deputy involved is a man who is a nine- year veteran of the department. we're told that at this hour he is still being interviewed back at the station by the chp. we're told that he is devastated over this accident that happened. we know that there was three different pursuits going on prior to this accident.
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weaver told that -- we're told that may have been why the deputy was in the area, but he was not responding to any of the pursuits. back out here live, again, mission boulevard is closed in both directions between medford and grove. we will continue to update this situation and if we have anything more on this investigation we'll bring it to you at noon. reporting live from hayward, janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. to get more on the traffic situation we go to sal. janine thank you. right now i want to mention that the alternate route there is foothill boulevard instead of mission. mission obviously a very busy area to stay away from mission and cherry away. let's take a look at the bay bridge tollways backed up steady. no major problems by the way if you're in san fransisco along northbound 101. in that earlier crash in walnut creek has been cleared on southbound 680. now let's go to steve. >> thank you sal. mostly sunny, a few high clouds from a system in the pacific northwest. a little bit of patchy fog came
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back outside the golden gate, slightly cooler today, not much change, everything is sunny and warmer. sounds great. >> if you're just joining ugh, we're waiting for a news conference to begin in the boston marathon bombing case. you can see the police officers standing there. you can see the bank of microphones and cameras on the other side waiting for the officials to begin to give us the information. now we've told you earlier pam that the commissioner, the police commissioner boston and the massachusetts telling everyone just stay indoors as they continue to search for one of the missing suspects in the boston marathon bombing. and the uncle of the suspect was talking today pam. >> yes, he was. he was very angry. it was very interesting to hear what he said. he talked about asking for everyone to give the family some privacy and some space. he said they are ready to bend on their knees and ask for forgiveness but he's also
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asking his nephew to turn himself in. he seemed quite angry i'm sure with the presence outside his home. we are continuing to watch that. again two brothers are the suspects, one they are looking for, heard from his uncle, one dead, killed overnight. that's following a night of explosions, deadly gunfire, mass transit shut down in boston and the surf surrounding areas, so a very tense scene that we have been following all morning long. >> and we know about the whole area in and around the boston and watertown where people are told to just stay indoors, don't go to work. don't go to school, don't open businesses. people are locked down. it's a very scary situation, plus we talked earlier about how a security guard at one of the college campuses was shot and killed. a man was carjacked, pushed


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